European congress of EABCT

The 2022 European Congress of the EABCT (European Associations of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy) has just concluded in Barcelona.

EABCT is the most important umbrella association of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Each and every year different scholars and clinicians meet up and discuss about trends and advances in CBT. During 2020 event several experts such as Todd Farchione, Emily Holmes and others discussed how transdiagnostic approaches are getting more and more relevant in daily practice and research.

Personally I presented the preliminary data of a recently concluded RCT where I teseted a new integrative therapy for schizotypal personality disorder. Evolutionary Systems Therapy for Schizotypy is a new treatment integrating evolutionary approaches, compassion focused therapy and metacognitively oriented psychotherapy. The RCT compared ESTS with a combination of CBT for personality disorders and standard psychopharmacotherapy. The protocol is described in a previous post.